Endangered Species Act Mural Series

In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, Endangered Species Coalition Members are collaborating to create a series of murals throughout the US. These murals will spotlight regional ecological and cultural diversity within the US by highlighting plants and animals that are protected by the Endangered Species Act. Species that are currently listed and in danger of extinction will be featured as well as some species who have recovered thanks to this landmark legislation.

The Murals

A muralist at work on the Doña Ana mural

Doña Ana, NM
Migration: A Natural Act

A collaboration of artists and partners unveiled the first in a series of murals to commemorate the 50th year of the Endangered Species Act on May 19th in Doña Ana, New Mexico. Migration: A Natural Act is a striking portrayal of the natural magnificence of southwestern New Mexico, with a particular focus on its imperiled fauna.

Find out more about the mural.



Chelenzo Farms Cerrillos, NM

On Saturday, June 24th two murals opened at Chelenzo Farms in Cerrillos, New Mexico. The murals are the culmination of more than a month’s work and collaboration between Chelenzo Farms staff and Mexico City-based artist HOKZYN. Both murals combine elements of Aztec mythology with imagery of regional endangered species significant to Mexican culture and folklore.

Find out more about the mural.


Working on the sawfish part of the Mangrove Connections Mural by Kelly Quinn

St Petersburg, FL
Mangrove Connections

This interactive mural in St Petersburg, FL highlights native mangrove forests and its abundant wildlife. The endangered smalltooth sawfish, the mangrove cuckoo, and a variety of fish species depend on this keystone habitat. Viewers can learn about each species in the mural through the interactive knowledge base on Canvas of the Wild. From there they can connect with ways to help protect local endangered species.

Find our more about the mural.

Rustypatched Bumblebee

Through the power of visual artwork for biodiversity conservation, the rustypatched bumblebee is once again visible in Ohio. As part of the Endangered Species Act 50th Anniversary National Mural Project, artist Kenia Lamarr created and installed a rusty patched bumblebee in the Linden neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio. Kenia collaborated with community partners, including Sunny Glen Garden, local businesses, educators, youth, and other artists to identify a high-visibility location for the mural. Kenia’s rustypatched bumblebee mural will be the backdrop for a major pollinator festival in Linden, in June 2024, including native plant giveaways, habitat installation, educational opportunities, and community celebration.

Find out more about the mural.


Painting the tigers eye

New York, NY
Borders: The Beauty and Peril of the Tiger

FOUR PAWS partnered with artist Sonny Sundancer to paint a tiger mural in New York City as a part of the Endangered Species Act 50th Anniversary National Mural Project. The three-story tall mural advocates for continued protection for tigers under the Endangered Species Act and brings attention to FOUR PAWS’ Break the Vicious Cycle Campaign, which aims to ban the commercial trade of all big cats in South Africa.  

Find out more about the mural.


butterfly depicted in a mural

Portland, OR
Nature’s Kaleidoscope

The 600 sq ft. masterpiece titled Nature’s Kaleidoscope, depicts an ecosystem of imperiled species and was painted over 14 days by talented local artist Jeremy Nicols (@plasticbirdie on Instagram). Oregon Wild led the showcase for the Pacific Northwest region.Neighbors and visitors alike traveling south down 13th and Lovejoy Street in Portland’s historic Pearl District are greeted by a vibrant mural celebrating the beauty of Oregon’s native fish, wildlife, pollinators, and plants.

Find out more about the mural.


Migration is Natural mural, with the Mexican Grey Wolf

Las Cruces,NM
Migration is Natural

The Doña Ana Village Association unveiled a new mural by Ray Acosta, Migration is Natural, October 21st, 2023 in Las Cruces, New Mexico. This mural highlights 3 endangered species: the Mexican Gray Wolf, the Mexican Long Nosed Bat, and the Lesser Long Nosed Bat.

Find out more about the mural.

Daytime mural with a monarch butterfly on a sunflower

Arivaca, AZ
Arivaca Pollinator Pathway Project Mural

The Arivaca Pollinator Pathway Project Mural is designed to be a permanent fixture at the Arivaca Dancehall, and is a collaboration between Tohono O’odham artist Paul Pablo and a steering committee of Arivaca community members, including 5 youth from the Arivaca Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB). The three sides of the building inspired Paul and the steering committee to envision a scene that is depicted at three different times of day: the bright sun of afternoon, the glow of sunset/twilight, and a moonlit night. Each time of day and might will feature endangered and threatened species that are native to the Arivaca area.

Find out more about the mural.


A mural of the Eastern Black Rail in Washington DC

Washington, DC
Audubon Mural Project: European Black Rail

This Black Rail looms large next to the Park at LeDroit, a community space in the LeDroit Park neighborhood of Washington D.C. The first Audubon Mural Project installation in the nation’s capital, the rail was commissioned as part of a nationwide effort by the Endangered Species Coalition to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act. The landmark environmental law provides crucial protection to animals like the Eastern Black Rail, whose population has suffered a precipitous decline.

Find out more about the mural.


Mural of two Western Snowy Plovers, an endangered species.

Audubon Mural Project: Western Snowy Plover

This pair of Western Snowy Plovers are an outsize presence on The Nature Conservancy’s building in downtown Sacramento. The first Audubon Mural Project installation in California’s capital, the mural was commissioned by Audubon California and Wide Open Walls.

Find out more about the mural.

About ESA at 50

In 2023, the 50th anniversary provides a unique, year-long opportunity to build support for the Endangered Species Act and imperiled species by celebrating conservation achievements, highlighting conservation needs, and generally reminding the public and decision-makers why plants, fish, and wildlife are beloved and vital to the heritage we share as Americans. Just as in 1973, an unprecedented coalition of agencies, organizations, and nonprofits are coming together to commemorate this conservation legacy.


Unveiling the Arivaca Pollinator Pathway Project Mural

For Immediate Release, August 30, 2023 Contact: Emily Bishton, Arivaca Pollinator Pathway, arivacapollinatorpathway@gmail.com  Dynamic, 3-D Mural Unveiling Sunday in Arizona  Mural Series Commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species


New Mexico Mural Celebrating Biodiversity Unveiled by Local Artists and Partners

For Immediate Release, May 12, 2023 Contacts Israel Chavez, Doña Ana Village Association, donaanavillageassociation@gmail.com Jeanne Dodds, Endangered Species Coalition, jdodds@endangered.org 360.624.8653 New Mexico Mural Celebrating Biodiversity Unveiled by Local Artists,


Just days left to be a part of Collaborating for Wildlife and Plants: ESA at 50

In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act we’ve launched a new, collaborative call for youth artists grades K-12: Collaborating for Wildlife and Plants: ESA at 50.